Sunday, 8 April 2012

What is Easter?

Nico : It is April 8th in Japan. It's my birthday. But this year, it's also Easter. So MJ gave me chocolate when we were having breakfast. She said `you can eat chocolate before having breakfast.' I didn't understand what she said...
In Japan, Easter is not popular. So it is really hard to buy Easter Eggs. You can only find them at large nation wide foreign food stores. But there's not so many types you can choose. 

You might think Japanese are weird. Because Japanese celebrate Christmas, Valentine, Halloween. And lots of people have wedding ceremony in churches or chapels. Even though they are not Christians. Then why lots of Japanese celebrate them? It's started by merchants. They needed occasions to sell things to people. For Christmas, cakes(It's not stollen), present stuffs, restaurant bookings, fancy hotels bookings. It's for children when they are young but as they get older it turns into a couples event. So on Christmas, people say if don't have a partner,it is a horrible day. For Valentine, chocolates(There are expensive ones made by famous pâtissier), present stuffs. It is the only day girls can tell guys their feelings. Recently it's not getting so big, women who work in company give chocolates to guys who work with. It's called `Giri choco'. It means chocolates for greeting like friendship or for their works are going smoothly. And guys who are given chocolates or presents have to give back presents to girls at `White Day'. White Day is the day guys have to show their thanks to girls who gave chocolates or something. Of course, you can deny to receive them if you don't want to. But if you received them, you have to give some sweets to girls on 14th March definitely. And for Halloween, there are snacks and candies for kids. Recently, some people have parties but not so popular still. So I have never seen kids said `Trick or treat'. I think there are lots of Japanese who don't know when is Halloween...       

Well, today is April 8th. It is also the birthday of Buddha. I think there are lots of Japanese people who don't know it. Even though Japanese people are mostly Buddhist.

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