Monday 5 December 2011

Hot Potato, hot potato

MJ: I love sweet potato - roasted, as chips, as sweetened chips, in ice-cream. Just about any way you can imagine, I'm quite happy to eat it.

Luckily for me, Japan is pretty obsessed with sweet potatoes as well -  as autumn turns into winter more and more are sold in supermarkets, and even online. You can eat them just about any way you want, but one very famous way is just like a baked potato. Often you will hear the sounds of 'i~~~mo' on the streets and you know there is a small stand just ahead selling freshly baked sweet potatoes.

From a small island in Southern Kyushu called Tanegashima there is a sweet potato called 'annouimo'. Incredibly sweet, and very orange. And not available so often, so when seeing them available via Rakuten Ichiba (a bit like a Japanese ebay, but many real online stores)  they just need to be bought.
And baked. And eaten in all their golden goodness by hand.

Pure heaven.


  1. yummy! In Thailand we have them steamed year round :) They're a healthy alternative to regular potatoes :)

  2. Nico: We'll try steamed ones next time :) It'll be sooooo yummy!!!
